IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

El proximo lunes 23 de septiembre de 16.00 - 21-00 hay programada una intervención en el servicio y es posible que se produzcan cortes durante la intervención. Disculpen las molestias.

Health research

This mooc (massive open online course) modality course trains students in research methodology, a key competence in health sciences specialist training. This course trains students to identify and analyse each stage of the development of a research project such as choosing the study subject, types of research studies, sampling and measurement, data analysis and the dissemination of results.
Total teaching hours 25.00 (25.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To identify and apply, in a gradual and logical manner, each of the stages in the development of a research project.

Specific objectives

  • To learn how to choose a clinical research subject and to formulate the objectives and the study hypotheses.
  • To understand the epidemiological design types.
  • To define study population and sampling.
  • To select the variables and the most appropriate information instruments.
  • To determine the strategy for statistical data analysis.
  • To identify the ethical and legal aspects to be considered when conducting research.
  • To disseminate the results of the study and increase critical interpretation of same.
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Continuous evaluation
  • Work forums