IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Training circuit in nursing techniques for minor trauma care

This training enables the professional to perform techniques in minor trauma care through the use of technical and knowledge tools in their daily activities, providing more safety and minimising variability in care provision, suturing, bandaging and plaster cast techniques and the different types of care associated with these. It is intended for emergency nurses and professionals or those interested in minor trauma.
Total teaching hours 27.00 (16.00 horas presenciales + 11.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for minor trauma care.

Specific objectives

  • To acquire the knowledge to correctly approach and treat a wound.
  • To acquire skill in performing wound dressings.
  • To acquire manual dexterity in performing wound suturing.
  • To learn basic minor surgery techniques for wound repair.
  • To train in the bandaging technique.
  • Mixed (e-learning and face-to-face)
  • Robotic simulation
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Practical exercise
  • Continuous evaluation