IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Out-of-hospital obstetrical emergencies: birth and initial neonate care

This training responds to the need of accident and emergency and out-of-hospital professionals to understand and train the labour mechanism in order to respond correctly in an emergency birth situation and provide neonate care.
Total teaching hours 18.00 (8.00 horas presenciales + 10.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To understand and train in all the basic obstetric techniques necessary for out-of-hospital birth assistance at every stage of the process (before, during and after).

Specific objectives

  • To identify an out-of-hospital childbirth situation.
  • To understand the labour mechanism and to assist adequately in a spontaneous vaginal delivery.
  • To acquire the basic knowledge to perform a caesarean section.
  • To differentiate between a normal and perimortem caesarean.
  • To understand the essential steps to address a perimortem caesarean.
  • To understand the essential steps to provide correct child care.
  • To apply the APGAR score correctly.
  • Doctors of primary care and emergency services.
  • Primary care and delivered emergency departments nurses.
  • Mixed (e-learning and face-to-face)
  • Robotic simulation
Evaluation System
  • Practical exercise
  • Continuous evaluation