IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Healthcare communication and teamwork

MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) modality course to train students in the most relevant technical aspects of communication and relationships among health professionals, patients and teams. Concepts such as the clinical relationship, quality criteria at the different stages of the healthcare relationship and impact on the care outcomes of the population are discussed. The objective is to align the expectations and interests of both patients and professionals to achieve optimal health outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Total teaching hours 30.00 (30.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To understand the instruments for improvement in quality and promote correct attitudes towards improving communication in care provision and within the professional team.

Specific objectives

  • To understand the objectives (demonstrated by scientific evidence) that can be attained by the use of quality communication in the context of the healthcare relationship and within the team.
  • To review the basic elements of communication in the healthcare relationship.
  • To understand the features of a good interviewer and the impact of communication style.
  • To integrate communication skills in the interview structure.
  • To value the importance of obtaining information for effective communication in the clinical interview.
  • To analyse the necessary communication techniques and skills in order to obtain the correct information.
  • To learn the basic skills to provide correct information.
  • To identify the basic skills that lead to the understanding of the information provided.
  • To understand the necessary skills to involve the patient in their illness process and to detect and handle disagreements.
  • To distinguish between workgroup and teamwork.
  • To select the most important communication skills for teamwork in order to develop a better understanding of existing skills and abilities for the creation of an improvement plan.
  • To recognise leadership and its defining elements in work teams.
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Individual work
  • Continuous evaluation
  • Work forums