IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Basic interpretation of emergency EKG

This training instructs students in the correct use of EKG, providing the necessary knowledge and training to achieve the required skills for correct and efficient use.
Total teaching hours 19.00 (4.00 horas presenciales + 15.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To understand the basic principles, indications, differential diagnoses and uses of electrocardiography.
  • To increase the knowledge levels of health professionals in order to advance their activity in the field of accident and emergency.
  • To adapt these needs to the competency maps for each post.

Specific objectives

  • To learn the systematics of reading the electrocardiogram.
  • To achieve correct electrocardiogram interpretations.
  • To identify the most common patterns of AMI and its variations.
  • To learn how to recognise heart blocks.
  • To diagnose/differentiate frequent arrhythmias from potentially lethal arrhythmias.
  • Nursing professionals wishing to expand knowledge and skills in the use of the ECG.
  • Physicians wishing to expand knowledge and skills in the use of the ECG, a matter of recycling.
  • Mixed (e-learning and face-to-face)
Evaluation System
  • Continuous evaluation