IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Course of Ultrasound Guided Interventional Techniques In Nephrology

Please provide a clear description of the nature of the event This formative action takes place along two completely practical classroom days. The students will be trained in the use of the interventional echodirected techniques in Nephrology through practice in vivo animal model (pig). The first day will be held in a morning and evening format. Students will receive some general guidelines about the ultrasound. Later in the experimental operating room will be a place leader for teachers and five posts for students, who will be divided into groups of 3. Each post will be endowed with a living animal model (pig) and an ultrasound which will learn to deploy and remove peritoneal catheters. At evening students will work tunneled hemodialysis vascular access. The second day will be held in a single morning. Students will find a brief introduction to the day and after they will work at an experimental operating room where as the previous day, gathered in groups of 3 students the will work the echodirected percutaneous renal puncture. Finally, the students will make a small evaluation and will proceed to the closing of the day.
Total teaching hours 15.00 (15.00 horas presenciales)
Training aims
  • 15 students
  • Exclusively for faculty specialists in the area of Nephrology.
  • Experimental surgery simulation
  • Face to face
Evaluation System
  • Continuous evaluation