IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Ultrasound for the trauma patient (ECOFAST)

The aim of this course is twofold: to correctly identify abdominal ultrasound, specifically the FAST protocol (Focused Assessment Sonography for Trauma) and to acquire diagnostic ability in the use of this technique.
Total teaching hours 20.00 (8.00 horas presenciales + 12.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To identify abdominal ultrasound and particularly the FAST (Focused Assessment Sonography for Trauma) protocol in abdominal trauma by acquiring an in-depth knowledge and mastery of this protocol as an effective and efficient technique for the study of abdominal trauma pathology.
  • To acquire autonomy and diagnostic ability in the use of this technique to allow early and accurate diagnosis of potentially severe abdominal trauma as well as discarding other pathologies.

Specific objectives

  • To understand the basic physical principles of this technique, the basic images and possible ultrasound artifacts.
  • To master the basic terminology.
  • To understand the basic abdominal ultrasound exploration technique of the FAST protocol.
  • To identify the normal ultrasound image structures of tissues and organs.
  • To acquire initial skills in the basic abdominal ultrasound exploration technique.
  • To understand ultrasound diagnosis of basic pathological lesions in abdominal trauma, haemoperitoneum, hepatic rupture, splenic rupture, etc.
  • To understand the pneumothorax diagnosis technique in chest-trauma patients.
  • To perform an abdominal ultrasound correctly following the FAST protocol systematic.
  • To correctly perform chest ultrasound following the FAST protocol systematic.
  • To understand the ultrasound indications developed by the accident and emergency physicians of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).
  • Physicians that develop his professional career, wholly or partly, in the Emergency Department
  • Mixed (e-learning and face-to-face)
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Practical exercise
  • Continuous evaluation