IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

IAVANTE is a leader in training and competency evaluation for health professionals

Our facilities are unique in Europe and combine innovative training methodologies with the best teachers in each knowledge specialty


IAVANTE guarantees accredited training for health professionals.

Prominent courses

IAVANTE organises many different face-to-face and on-line courses based on the combination of innovative simulation methodologies with the creation of high-fidelity environments. All courses are endorsed by the expertise of its teaching staff. Click on each course for detailed information.

Surgical techniques in degenerative lumbar spinal column pathology
Radiological protection
Lower limb arthroscopy
International course of head and neck dissection
Course in techniques of implantation of electro-stimulation devices: pacemakers, defibrillators and
Central venous puncture guided by ultrasound
Advanced training in endobronchial ultrasound

Master Degrees

In conjunction with different universities, IAVANTE organises different Master courses and University expert courses. Click on each one for detailed information.

The courses available below belong to the continuing training programme for professionals of the Andalusian public health system. Click on each one for detailed information.



Intranet for Residents

plan andaluz de urgencias y emergencias CONSULT


Andalusian Accident and Emergency Plan

emergencias sanitarias CONSULT


Health Emergencies

programa integral de prevencion, control de las infecciones relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria, y uso apropiado de los antimicrobianos CONSULT


Comprehensive program of prevention, control of the infections related with the assistance health, and use appropriate of antimicrobial

Competency evaluation

OSCE Exams

Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation for assessment, training and accreditation of the competencies linked to maps and/or programmes for different graduate, postgraduate and continuing education profiles.

These circuits and stations demonstrate the learning, management and acquisition of the previously set competency targets. This takes place in an innovative context using the most advanced simulation technology in order to precisely reproduce the day-to-day professional reality of the different professional profiles.


Confidence-building for the incorporation of first-year residents via intensive training in basic communication and accident and emergency competencies.

Using innovative methodologies in simple and complex robotics, actor-based simulation, e-learning and peer production.


In the circuits for professional competency accreditation - designed by the IAVANTE Line of the Foundation for Progress and Health and the Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality - professionals can certify their competencies in Basic CPR, Advanced Adult CPR, Advanced Neonatal CPR and Advanced Paediatric CPR.

Professionals who want to become accredited are provided with advanced human robotic simulators (SimMan and METI), where they can carry out the same procedures as they would on a human patient. Candidates are also provided with a team of nursing professionals if the simulation is based in a real in-hospital environment.

Impact evaluation

IAVANTE reinforces the consolidation of learning through impact evaluation.

This is achieved by analysing the implementation and transfer of the trained competencies to the professional’s daily work environment when a period of time has elapsed after the training event. This evaluation affects the decision-making on future approaches in the design, planning and implementation of training programmes.

Professional performance

Evaluation of relational and attitude competencies that professionals recognise and/or require in their posts.

IAVANTE trains and provides consultancy in Performance Evaluation, both as an evaluation tool and in the handling and implementation of management teams. We provide action lines for correction and to facilitate evaluation, monitoring and professional development plans.


IAVANTE offers consultancy services for training in technical competencies in the health sector.

mapa mundi


Advanced Clinical Simulation Center

SIM CENTER, an example in healthcare training innovation, is where IAVANTE combines the most advanced simulation methodologies and tests new technologies applied to training and health.


Home and urban settings


Operating rooms equipped with the latest technology

Critical care

Split-level rooms equipped with robots and virtual simulators


Emergency and consultation rooms


Advanced therapies


Versatility and web-based knowledge access

Located in the Health Sciences Technology Park in Granada, within a framework that provides real scenarios including universities, hospitals, corporations and technology transfer companies, IAVANTE takes full advantage of the synergies generated in this environment and applies them to the field of simulation.


The outstanding feature of the training provided by IAVANTE is the use of innovative methodologies such as robotic simulation, virtual simulation, actor-based simulation, video analysis, experimental surgery and e-learning.

These methodologies are used both individually and in combination, depending on the requirements of each particular competency, to provide professionals with high-fidelity situations designed to improve their technical and relational skills.

Surgical Training

This methodology trains professionals in surgical procedures in a setting that exactly replicates a real clinical environment. Surgical interventions are performed on animal models or on human anatomical parts.

Robotic Simulation

This methodology uses robots and mannequins which act and react similarly to humans in certain pathological processes. This allows participants to work in a life-like environment and perfect simple or complex skills that, because of their invasive nature, cannot be acquired through real procedures.

Virtual Simulation

This methodology uses specific synthetic-imaging software and haptics to recreate lifelike anatomical environments where students can be trained in the use of exploratory tools, acquire knowledge of specific anatomical areas and learn the diagnosis and treatment of multiple injuries.

Actor Based Simulation

Trained actors simulate situations in which interpersonal relations have considerable impact, for example, in clinical interviews.

These simulations are carried out in settings that reproduce as faithfully as possible the environments where these situations arise with the aim of immersing the student in each case.

Video Analysis

Real-time observation of the procedures and techniques performed in the training events, or their analysis by broadcasting them on the Internet, allows optimisation of the students’ learning process by observing and correcting mistakes made during the training sessions. The complex system of cameras and microphones installed in every room gives the students the opportunity to analyse their own behaviour and reactions during the debriefing sessions.


Most of the training events we offer include online content via internet where the student and teacher are provided with materials, forums, chats, video conferencing, etc..

About us

IAVANTE is a line of activity of the Andalusian Public Foundation for Progress and Health, which belongs to the Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia.

IAVANTE’s mission is to facilitate and promote the comprehensive development and training of health professionals through the most innovative learning methodologies and to lead the development and innovation of new technologies applied to health.


TRAINING in IAVANTE is focused on the healthcare processes which ensure care continuity and quality. Each stage of the process requires different professionals, scenarios, techniques and technologies.

The TRAINING is carried out on physical simulators and virtual reality simulators. Training takes place in an environment that faithfully replicates clinical reality and its context and recreates natural healthcare environments at different points of the care process.


In IAVANTE, EVALUATION is a way of sharing knowledge among institutions endorsed by the experience of our team of professionals.

To EVALUATE professional competencies we use knowledge, methodologies, technology and the realistic scenarios used in training in order to obtain professional activity outcomes via strategic indicators based on the effectiveness of the organisations.


CONSULTANCY in IAVANTE is an element of added value where IAVANTE’s experience and knowledge at every point of training and evaluation in technical healthcare competencies is brought to bear.

CONSULTANCY is tailored to the requirements of each client, from consultancy support for needs detection to the organisation and planning of training and evaluation activities adapted to each case.

We are a team of over 50 professionals.

We are a multidisciplinary unit composed of experts in health, teaching, new technologies, economics, communication and marketing.


Our primary role is the management and organisation of an entity whose primary value is knowledge-based.

IAVANTE - Granada

Parque Tecnológico de la Salud. Avda. de la Investigación 21, 18.016 - Granada - Spain

Tel: +34 958 002250 | Fax: +34 958 002251

Email: comercial.iavante.fps@juntadeandalucia.es


Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía. C/ Marie Curie 16, Edificio Possibilia 2005 - 1a Planta 29.590 Campanillas - Málaga - Spain

Tel: +34 951 015300 | Fax: +34 951 015301

Email: comercial.iavante.fps@juntadeandalucia.es

IAVANTE - Sevilla

Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja Avda. Américo Vespucio, 5 - Bloque 2 - 2a planta, 41092 - Sevilla - Spain

Tel: +34 955 407430 | Fax +34 955 407431

Email: comercial.iavante.fps@juntadeandalucia.es

What's going on at IAVANTE

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