IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Paediatric and neonatal advanced life support training

This course provides in-depth training in the various CPR techniques, both basic and advanced, with simulated practice composed of paediatric clinical cases. This course is accredited by the Spanish CPR Paediatric and Neonatal Group and the Andalusian Health Quality Agency (AHQA).
Total teaching hours 27.00 (16.00 horas presenciales + 11.00 horas elearning)
Training aims

General objectives

  • To train in the diagnosis and treatment of paediatric patients with cardiac arrest using integrated CPR manoeuvres.

Specific objectives

  • To identify cardiac arrest in children.
  • To understand the basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation manoeuvres for neonates and children.
  • To identify choking on a foreign body in both neonates and children and to understand the expulsion manoeuvres.
  • Specialty care physicians, professional emergency services, emergency, primary care and training professionals.
  • Mixed (e-learning and face-to-face)
  • Robotic simulation
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Practical exercise
  • Continuous evaluation