IAVANTE, Lideres en Formación y Evaluación Sanitaria

Indication of mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke.

This training action is designed in two phases:. The e-learning phase will be developed on the MOODLE platform and will consist of a block with all the general information about the course, a discussion forum and a notice board and 4 blocks of content. The opening of each block will be progressive and will be subject to both the timing (specified by the teaching team) and the completion of the previous activity, which is essential in order to advance in the contents. Once students have completed a block and the next block has been opened, the previous block will never be closed so that they can consult the agenda and information whenever they need to. The face-to-face phase has a large practical component. The students, will be divided into 4 working groups that will be distributed in the 4 practical workshops guided by an expert teacher for the work of clinical cases through discussion and debriefing.
Total teaching hours 15.00 (15.00 horas elearning)
Training aims
  • Desired Requirements: Aimed at: Specialists in Neurology, Radiology, Internal Medicine, Intensive Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine who, in the exercise of their activity, attend to stroke patients in the hospital setting. Minimum Requirements: Training is exclusively for SAS personnel. Students must be FEA.
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
Evaluation System
  • Multiple-choice test
  • Continuous evaluation
  • Clinical cases